Friday, January 31, 2014

Science Misconceptions

What are the reasons for the seasons?
The Earth has different seasons because it sits at a tilt that causes the sun to be strongest at different locations  at different points in Earth's rotation around the sun. The Earth's angle from the sun changes causing different seasons.
What causes the phases of the moon?
The 8 phases of the moon are caused by the relationship between the moon and the sun. The moon tells us time and lets us predict what phase of the moon we will see at what time.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What is Science?

Science is a study of the world around us. Science seeks to answer questions. That is, perhaps, what makes science so complex. Science is a discipline unlike another, due to the fact that so much can fall under the title of science. From biology to geology, there is so much to address when teaching science. Unlike reading or math, science is constantly evolving and a requires the teacher to understand a broad range of topics. One can spend their whole life studying the complexities of one part of the brain, yet teachers must find a way to simplify the material and explain it in a way that allows young children to understand and connect with the material. Many people have a fear of science classes, yet science is one of the most exciting classes to teach and participate in. In a sense, science is everything and therefor anything can be made into a hands-on learning experience. I believe it is the hands-on experiences, that are vital when teaching science, that inspire students to investigate the world around them and see that science is fun.