Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What is the Difference between weather and climate

Weather is short term, climate is long term patterns. The climate can be warming, yet  the weather seems to be colder.

Air Pressure: barometer
Temperature: thermometer
Humidity: hygrometer
Cloudiness: radar  
Wind speed:
Wind direction: weather vain
Precipitation: rain gauge

Eggsperiemnt (Air Pressure)
-hard boiled eggs, flame in bottle, place egg on lip

The air pressure will lower and a seal will be created and the egg will be sucked in.

What happened:
The flame created a quick increase in temperature, so when the seal was created the air pressure dropped so quickly that the egg was sucked into the bottle.

Sling Psychrometer (Humidity) :
We used a sling psychrometer and spun it around for one minute, inside and outside. We compared the temperatures on the dry bulb with the wet bulb to find the relativity humidity.
The air was more humid outside (69) than inside (36).

Measuring clouds:
water vapor, pressure, condensation nuclei(salt, ash, ect)
Water bottle, water, and match
-when you squeeze=high pressure, no clouds, warmer
-let go=low pressure, clouds, colder
NASA/NOAA Cloud Chart - Low Res Display Image - Click on PDF link above to download 11X17 high resolution printable graphic

Anometer (wind speed): measured with a weather vane
crossing rulers and put cups on each end-count how many  times it goes around

Wet-rain gauge
can by made with a ruler and cup
Dry-1mx1m snow board

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